Retina conditions

Inquire about Retina Procedures and most advanced ocular testing and imaging technology we now offer to our patients, including fundus photography, Optical Coherence Tomography, and Heidelberg Spectralis with fluorescein angiography and autofluorescence capabilities.

Dr. Nemiroff is fellowship trained in treating diseases of the retina.

Have you experienced a sudden increase in floaters and flashes? Do you have a hereditary predisposition to retinal problems? Do you have diabetes or pre-diabetes? – It’s time to schedule your ophthalmologist appointment.

Located at the back of your eye, retina contains light-sensitive cells that send electrical signals to the brain along the optic nerve. The brain uses these signals to interpret what you are seeing. When the retina can’t function correctly, these electrical signals can’t make it to the optic nerve, leading to vision complications.
The retina is sensitive and can be damaged by various conditions such as:

  • diabetic retinopathy
  • macular degeneration
  • retinal tears
  • retina detachments.

Untreated, these conditions can lead to permanent vision loss.

The Amsler Grid Test is a very simple test that could help you identify early signs of retinal problems.